Chapter 10: Working with Frames


A.  Detach and save the compressed/ zip that contains the documents needed to complete this lab assignment.


B.  Create a Chapter10 folder on your deskop.


C.  Unzip the file and place all the documents into the Chapter10 folder. The folder should have a total of 9 files- Banner.html, Menu_Output.html, BasicStructure.html, PartsWebPage.html, PlanningYourWebSite.html, SyntaxRules.html, mystyle.css, error.gif and HTML.jpg.


D.  Create the Frameset.HTML document in Wordpad. Copy and paste the DOCTYPE below to your HTML document.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">


Add the two framesets for the banner and the menu/ main window.  For the menu/ main window frameset, add the two frames.   Insert formatting properties for both the framesets and frames.   Follow the step-by-step demo instructions for this chapter exercise (see chapter 10 lecture presentation under Course Documents). See the attached sample of the completed Frameset.HTML document with the frameset tags.


E.  Open the Menu_Output.HTML document in Wordpad.  Add the target links for the navigation menu selection.  Follow the step-by-step demo instructions for this chapter exercise (see chapter 10 lecture presentation under Course Documents). See the attached sample of the completed Menu_Output.html document


F   Save your HTML documents.  Launch Frameset.html in your browser.  View and verify your web page displays properly and all the navigation menu links work in your browser.  See the attached sample of the web page output.


G.  Verify if the HTML document- chapter6.html passes the W3C Markup Validation Service.  You will need to upload your HTML document to the site-


H. Verify if the CSS document – mystyle.css passes the W3C CSS Validation Service.  You will need to upload your CSS document to the site-


I. Submit your work:

a. All the following files are required:  1) Frameset.html  2) Banner.html  3)Menu_Output.html. 4) PartWebPage. html  5) BasicStructure.html  6) SyntaxRules.html  7) PlanningYourWebSite.html   8) mystyle.css  and  9) image files- html.jpg and error.gif.


b. Zip up your folder and upload your Chapter10 compressed folder to the Desire2Learn Chapter 10 Assignment dropbox.   



Chapter Topics


1  Creating Frames


2  Customize Frame Borders


3. Control Frame Margins


4. Prevent Frame Resizing


5. Target a Link


6. HTML document passes W3C Markup Validation Service

