Lesson 4: Creating Style Sheets (CSS)

A.   Follow the step-by-step demo instructions for this chapter exercise (see Lecture 4 presentation ). 


B.  Create a Lesson4 folder on your desktop. 


C.  Download the attached HTML document zip- (Lesson4.zip). Copy the Lesson4.html file into your Lesson4 folder.


D. Open the HTML document in WordPad.


NOTE: The HTML document you downloaded contains the tags (i.e. <HEAD>, <TITLE>, <BODY> <P>, <H1>, <OL>, <LI>, etc ) that you have learned in the previous chapters.  


E.  Create an external and internal style sheet in WordPad. Link your HTML document to the external style sheet.   Add the style rules that are illustrated in this chapter.  See the attached sample of the external CSS file.  Save your external cascading style sheet as mystyle.CSS in your Lesson4 folder


F.  View and verify your web page displays properly in the browser.  Attached is the sample of the HTML document and the desired sample of the output Web page.


G.  Verify if the HTML document- chapter4.html passes the W3C Markup Validation Service.  You will need to upload your HTML document to the site-  http://validator.w3.org/.


H. Verify if the CSS document – mystyle.css passes the W3C CSS Validation Service.  You will need to upload your CSS document to the site-  http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/

Submit your work:

a. All the following files are required- 1) HTML document- Lesson4.html and 2) cascading style sheet - mystyle.css.

b. Zip up and upload your Lesson4 compressed folder to the Canvas Lecture 4 Lab Assignment Drop Box.

Lecture 4 Topics


1 Create an External Style Sheet


2. Link a Style Sheet


3. Add Comments to a Style Sheet


4. Create an Internal Style Sheet


5. Create a Class


6. Apply a Style with the DIV Tag


7. Apply a Style Locally


8. Apply a Style Using the ID Attribute


9. HTML document passes W3C Markup Validation Service


10. CSS document passes W3C CSS Validation Service

