Chapter 8: Adding Links


A. Download the compressed zip folder to your desktop.


B. Create a Chapter8 folder on your deskop. Copy and place the 5 files from the zip folder into your Chapter 8 folder.


C. Open the HTML document in Wordpad.   Link the HTML document to the cascading style sheet.   The following style sheet link tag should be inserted in between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags.

                   <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="mystyle.css">


D.  Open the CSS document- mystyle.css in WordPad. Copy the style rules below to your external stylesheet- mystyle.css   Save your style sheet.   See the attached sample of the CSS file 

/* style rules for links */
a:link {color: navy}
a:visited {color:navy}
a:hover {color: maroon}


E.  Open the HTML document "UnderstandingHTMLSyntaxAndRules.html" in Wordpad.  Create and add all the hyperlinks illustrated in this chapter in your HTML document..  Follow the step-by-step demo instructions for this chapter exercise (see chapter 8 lecture presentation under Course Documents). See the attached sample of the completed HTML document with the link tags.


F.  Save your HTML document. View your web page displays in your browser.  Verify all the hyperlinks work.   See the attached sample of the web page output.


G.  Verify if the HTML document- chapter6.html passes the W3C Markup Validation Service.  You will need to upload your HTML document to the site-


H. Verify if the CSS document – mystyle.css passes the W3C CSS Validation Service.  You will need to upload your CSS document to the site-


I. Submit your work:

a. All the following files are required:  1) Two HTML documents- Chapter8.html and PlanningYourWebSite.html, 2) cascading style sheet- mystyle.css and 3) 2 image files -HTML.jpg and error.gif.


b. Zip up and upload your Chapter8 compressed folder to the Canvas Chapter 8 Assignment Dropbox.


Chapter Topics


1  Insert a Link to Another Page


2. Insert a Link to a New Window


3. Insert a Link to an Area on the Same Page


4. Link to an E-mail address


5.  HTML document passes W3C Markup Validation Service

